Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"I Think Danny Boyle Has Shown A Better India Than A Real One"

Slumdog Millionaire............Nowadays wherever I go,does not matter whether it is hotel,bus,school,I hear these two words very much.This movie has given a subject of discussion.Forgot to tell you that I am not here to give my review for the movie here.
The movie has been directed very excellently and so on its music,editing are also charming.The Oscar Awards it has won supports this.
Jamal Malik could win 2 crores rupees in Danny Boyle's film.He struggled so much in his life.But I say,Jamal Malik of the actual India can never go to such a high position!!!!The probability is only of 20%....Jamal of actual India has to face some more problems like casteism,communalism